Schedule: General Poster

Rashid Sunyaev
The hot gas in clusters of galaxies, Cosmic Microwave Background and cosmology
Date: 20/01/2015
Topic: Astrophysics
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (DEU)

Clemens Bechinger
Artificial swimmers as models for self-organization in biological systems
Date: 10/02/2015
Topic: Soft Matter
Affiliation: 2. Physikalisches Institut – Universität Stuttgart (DEU)

George Efstathiou
Inflation: why do we need it and did it happen?
Date: 17/03/2015
Topic: Theoretical Cosmology
Affiliation: Institute of Astronomy – University of Cambridge (GBR)

Markus Aspelmeyer
Schrödinger’s mirrors: confronting quantum physics with gravity
Date: 21/04/2015
Topic: Optomechanics, Quantum phenomena
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics – University of Vienna (AUT)

William F. McDonough
Geo-neutrinos and heat production in the Earth SLIDES
Date: 05/05/2015
Topic: Geo-neutrinos, Earth Composition and Structure
Affiliation: Geology Department – University of Maryland (MD-USA)

Michele Parrinello
Atomistic modeling of crystal nucleation and growth
Date: 19/05/2015
Topic: Molecular dynamics
Affiliation: Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences – ETH Zurich (CH)