da andrea.zanzani | Set 14, 2015 | News
New TRENDS in Correlated OXIDES and Interfaces (12-18 November 2015, Brescia). TRENDOXIDES2015 aims to bring together PhD students, researchers and scientists with diverse expertise in the field of correlated oxides, in which the electronic interactions lead to novel...
da Giovanni Onida | Lug 10, 2015 | Deadlines, News
The closing date of the selection for the 31th PhD cycle (2015-2018) has expired: applications due by August 31, 2015 at 13h00. Interviews will take place from 11th to 18th of September 2015 (foreign applicants can be interviewed via audioconference, by request)....
da Giovanni Onida | Giu 17, 2015 | News, Opportunity for students, PostDoc positions
A number of openings for PhD and Postdoc positions in the group of Prof. Stefano Sanvito. These are connected to a recent project sponsored by Science Foundation of Ireland, and aiming at developing a multiscale theory for spin-transfer torque devices from first...
da Giovanni Onida | Mag 15, 2015 | News
On Tuesday, May 19th at 15h00 the Physics Department will host the 6th Physics Colloquium of our PhD School for this academic year. Atomistic modeling of crystal nucleation and growth Prof. Michele Parrinello Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences...
da andrea.zanzani | Apr 15, 2015 | General news
il Prof. Peter Wadhams terrà presso la Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) di Milano il12 maggio p.v. alle ore 10 la lecture internazionale “Arctic Amplification, Climate Change, Global Warming. New Challenges from the Top of the World”.
da andrea.zanzani | Mar 17, 2015 | General news, News
Between 14 and 23 July students are invited to tackle scientific questions about quantum physics and fundamental physics in space. 3 student grants available. http://www.esa.int/About_Us/Careers_at_ESA/Summer_School_Alpbach_2015