The PhD School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics at The PhD School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics at University of Milano offers fourteen (14) scholarships for its three-year graduate program. Four (4) additional scholarships on specific...

Postdoctoral position at NYU

The Dept. of Physics at NYU is looking to hire a new Postdoctoral Associate in Theory of Deep Learning who will use innovative numerical methods to understand how the interplay between landscape structure and optimization dynamics yields generalizable solutions. More...

Bando concorso ACN assunzione di 50 laureati ICT

L’Agenzia per la cybersicurezza nazionale ha lanciato una prima selezione pubblica finalizzata all’assunzione, a tempo indeterminato, di 50 laureati con esperienze e conoscenze in 6 distinti settori dell’ICT. Entrare a far parte dell’ACN significa mettere il proprio...

Bando Eni Award – Giovane Ricercatore 2022

E’ stato pubblicato il bando di Eni Award – Giovane Ricercatore dell’Anno per l’edizione 2022. Il Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell’Anno è rivolto a ricercatori che siano nati a partire dal 1989 o negli anni seguenti, dottorandi o dottori di ricerca che abbiano...

Call for Brains for the 2021 edition

Dear all We would like to remind you that the Call for Brains for the 2021 edition of Industrial Problem Solving with Physics <> is open ONLY until April 28 at 1.00 p.m. IPSP began in 2014 at the Department of Physics,...

Position available at Elekta Italy

  Elekta is expanding the team of application specialists for MOSAIQ. In particular they are looking for someone who takes care of the Medical Oncology (MO) module, full time in Italy (main office) and Southern Europe. Elekta is investing heavily in the...