da Giovanni Onida | Set 30, 2013 | News, Opportunity for students
The selection procedure for the XXIX PhD cycle (2013-2016) has been published. SEE THE “how to apply” INSTRUCTIONS Deadlines: applications should be received before november 29, 2013 Interviews: From December 10th to December 17th...
da andrea.zanzani | Lug 15, 2013 | News
il Seminario Nazionale si svolgerà a Otranto dal 19 al 24 Settembre 2013. Questa edizione e’ dedicata al bosone di Higgs. La scuola è aperta alla partecipazione di dottorandi, borsisti e giovani ricercatori. Data di scadenza per l’iscrizione alla scuola è...
da Giovanni Onida | Mag 6, 2013 | News
On Tuesday, May 28th at 15h00 the Physics Department hosted the last Physics Colloquium of our Phd School for this academic year. This event concludes the sequence of six colloquia scheduled between December 2012 and May 2013 (see the general poster). ...
da Giovanni Onida | Apr 17, 2013 | News
On Tuesday, May 6th at 15h00 the Physics Department hosted the fifth Physics Colloquium of our Phd School for this academic year. This event belongs to the sequence of six colloquia scheduled between December 2012 and May 2013 (see the general poster). The...
da Giovanni Onida | Apr 15, 2013 | News, PostDoc positions
SISSA and ICTP Trieste have each a Condensed Matter Theory postdoctoral openings in the area of theory modeling and simulation of nanofriction, in the group of E. Tosatti, https://sites.google.com/site/tosattierio/ . The group just obtained an ERC Advanced Research...
da Giovanni Onida | Apr 11, 2013 | News
http://www.complexcomolake.it/renewable_energy/ Among topics to be covered: elementary processes in energy conversion, photovoltaics, nanostructured materials for efficient energy storage and photolysis of water, advances in fuel cells, photochemical energy...