da Giovanni Onida | Set 17, 2014 | Deadlines, News
The closing date of the selection for the 30th PhD cycle (2014-2017) has been announced: applications should be completed by september 30, 2014 at 13h00. Interviews will take place from 9th to 17th of October 2014 (foreign applicants can be interviewed via...
da Giovanni Onida | Set 17, 2014 | News
Si segnala la recente pubblicazione del bando inerente al Premio “Debutto nella Ricerca”, in occasione dell’edizione 2015 di Eni Award. Possono competere al Premio Debutto nella Ricerca giovani ricercatori di età non superiore ai 30 anni (nati dunque a...
da Giovanni Onida | Mag 19, 2014 | News
On Tuesday, May 20th at 15h00 the Physics Department will host the 6th Physics Colloquium of our PhD School for this academic year. Crackling noise Prof. Stefano Zapperi CNR-IENI, Milano, Italy This event closes the sequence of six colloquia scheduled...
da Giovanni Onida | Apr 3, 2014 | Dept seminars, News
On Tuesday, Apr 15th at 15h00 the Physics Department will host the 4th Physics Colloquium of our PhD School for this academic year. Controlling and Exploring Quantum Matter under Extreme Conditions Prof. Immanuel Bloch Max Planck Inst. f. Quantenoptik,...
da Giovanni Onida | Apr 2, 2014 | News, Opportunity for students
Prof. Carla Molteni (who got her PhD in our School in 1994), now Reader at the King’s College London, announces the following opening for ten fully-funded 4-year PhD studentships in London, at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cross-Disciplinary...