Physics Colloquia 2016-2017
The program of our six Physics Colloquia for the 2016-1017 academic year is now available on this website.
Eni Award 2017 – Giovane Ricercatore dell’Anno
Eni, contestualmente alle sezioni principali della nuova edizione 2017 di Eni Award, indice DUE PREMI specificamente rivolti a dottorandi o neo dottori di ricerca, che abbiano discusso o debbano discutere la propria tesi presso un Ateneo italiano nel 2015 o nel 2016,...
Enrollment for 2016-2019 open from 19/9 to 23/9
2016-2019 enrollment procedures Please notice that all candidates admitted to the PhD courses have to enrol imperatively from 19 to 23 September 2016. Instruction for the enrollment (foreing students) -- Istruzioni per l’immatricolazione (italian students)...
2016 Selection – deadline on July 6th
The closing date of the selection for the 32th PhD cycle (2016-2019) has been set: applications due by July 6, 2016 at 13h00. Interviews will take place in July (foreign applicants can be interviewed via audioconference, by request). More details are available here....
PostDoc Opening
Project Description: The position is founded via Volkswagen Foundation – Lichtenberg Project “Extreme ultraviolet probing of energy-conversion in photoexcited states”. Our new project investigates molecular dynamics with photoelectron spectroscopy using short...