
Internship positions of Intesa Sanpaolo, Milan

A number of internship positions are available during the year 2024 in the Market, Financial and CIB Risk Management Area of Intesa Sanpaolo, Milan. M.Sc. or Ph.D. candidates/graduates willing to work in quantitative finance and risk management may apply using the...

Policy Research Analyst position available in Brussels

Policy Research Analyst position available as member of the  Brussels team. The main responsibilities will be to: Monitor EU policy developments; Prepare and participate in events and meetings with the community and policymakers; Conduct research on digital policy...

ADDITIONAL PhD positions with Scholarship will be available in 2023

Please notice: a new call will open soon. Further news will appear on at this link:

ERC Postdoc position at SISSA

SISSA and ICTP Trieste have each a Condensed Matter Theory postdoctoral openings in the area of theory modeling and simulation of nanofriction, in the group of E. Tosatti, . The group just obtained an ERC Advanced Research...

Summer PhD School – Lake Como, September 9-13 Among topics to be covered: elementary processes in energy conversion, photovoltaics, nanostructured materials for efficient energy storage and photolysis of water, advances in fuel cells, photochemical energy...