America’s top universities reap the benefit of Italian-trained scientists
Academic rankings paint a grim picture of Italian universities. Data on faculty hirings in the US tell a different story, as commented on Nature. Looking at the Italian universities where these US-hired faculty were trained, Sapienza ranked first with more than 400...
Eni Award 2023 – Young Researcher of the Year – Call for Proposal
Following the Official Announcement sent on August, 30th, 2022, it has been launched the 2023 Edition of the Eni Award – Young Researcher of the Year Prize, which is addressed to graduates born in or after the year 1990 having defended their Doctorate Thesis at an...
Dottorato Nazionale in Space Science & Technology
E' possibile applicare al bando, con scadenza 8 Agosto: Quest'anno l'unica borsa UniMI è su una tematica di medicina spaziale (Curriculum 4). Al Curriculum "Osservazione dell'Universo" (curriculum 1) sono...
The PhD School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics at The PhD School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics at University of Milano offers fourteen (14) scholarships for its three-year graduate program. Four (4) additional scholarships on specific...
Postdoctoral position at NYU
The Dept. of Physics at NYU is looking to hire a new Postdoctoral Associate in Theory of Deep Learning who will use innovative numerical methods to understand how the interplay between landscape structure and optimization dynamics yields generalizable solutions. More...